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21 plays

Game Controls:

Move mouse = look around ### WASD = move ### Hold Shift = run ### Space = jump ### Left-click = shoot ### Right-click = Aim ### Mouse wheel = next/leading weapon ### 1-7 = weapon hotkeys ### R = reload ### F = knife attack 1 ### Q = knife attack 2 ### G = throw a grenade ### T = inspect the weapon ### E = remove / remove weapon ###

Details About the UBG Game:

Funny Shooter - Destroy All is a hilarious and action-packed first-person shooter game where you take on an army of wacky orange men. These goofy enemies come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own crazy abilities. Your mission? Take them all down with an arsenal of awesome weapons.

In Funny Shooter, you start with simple pistols, but as you progress, you unlock a whole bunch of cool guns. Imagine blasting those orange dudes with machine guns, grenade launchers, and even a bazooka! The more you play, the more powerful and silly your weapons get.

But it’s not just about shooting. You’ve got to be quick on your feet! Those orange guys will throw grenades at you, swing pitchforks, and even chase you with chainsaws. You’ll need to dodge, duck, and weave to avoid their attacks. It’s like a crazy dance, except with more explosions and orange juice flying everywhere.

The levels are filled with all sorts of goofy challenges. One moment you’re in a field dodging axes, the next you’re in a spooky forest avoiding clubs. Each level gets wilder and more fun, keeping you on your toes and laughing at the same time.

One of the coolest things about Funny Shooter is how fast and unblocked you can play it. No waiting, no hassle—just jump in and start shooting those wacky enemies right away. It’s perfect for when you need a quick laugh or want to blow off some steam.

As you advance, you’ll find special items and power-ups that make your weapons even crazier. Imagine a rocket launcher that shoots rubber chickens or a machine gun that fires confetti bullets. The game is full of surprises that keep it fresh and super fun every time you play.

And don’t forget about the boss battles! Each boss is a giant orange menace with unique attacks and weaknesses. Figuring out how to take them down is part of the challenge and a huge part of the fun.

So, if you’re ready for a wild and funny adventure, grab your gear and dive into Funny Shooter - Destroy All. With every shot, dodge, and explosion, you’ll be laughing and cheering your way to victory. Start playing now and see how many of those crazy orange guys you can defeat!

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